Saturday, March 28, 2009

Before the rain


Columbine leaves unfurling

Hellebore seedpods. Reminds me of some kind of carnivorous plant, eating a dead leaf (OK, I confess—I staged it).

Bloodroot. I'm obsessed with stamens.

Purple dead-nettle. Beautiful, but greedy, weed.

Toad trillium. Got a bunch of these on a plant rescue.


Anonymous said...

Trilliums are such cool plants! I had one...just my old house, and I wish I had brought it when we moved.

Carla said...

The toad trilliums are the only kind I have. I love how the flowers look like those of sweet betsy/sweetshrub. If memory serves, I got these on a plant dig in Randleman before they finished and flooded the new reservoir. I have some little 'uns. Maybe I should save one for you.